Terminal for loading and unloading, stowing and unstowing of vessels, from the last port in the Mediterranean exporting to the west.
235.517 m2 total surface area
1.230 m berthing line with a depth of 10 m.
20.830 m2 of storage facilities
Ro-Ro ramp: 39 x 28 m.
Available Means
- 4 Mobile Cranes
- 6 Electric Cranes
- 7 Reachstackers
- 33 Diesel Forklifts
- 9 Electric Forklifts
- 2 Weightbridges

Type of terminal

Container terminal

Vehicle terminal (RoRo)

Multi-purpose Terminal
Muelles Puertos de Sagunto – Sagunto (VALENCIA)
GPS: 39°39'06.4"N 0°13'07.4"W